“Our belief has always been rooted in good farming practices and traditional methods.”
Our Flock
Everything we do at Greenes Family Kitchen is to provide you with superior quality food and to insure you know exactly how it is produced. In keeping with this, flock size plays an important role with bird behaviour, enhanced birds welfare and avoidance of stress on our birds.
Hens can freely express themselves, together with free access to our rotating paddocks and woodlands. You can be assured that we pay particular attention to bird welfare and believe that smaller flocks considerably benefits our birds.

Traditional Farming Methods
The Greenes have been caring for the land for five generations. Their beliefs have always been rooted in good farming practices and traditional methods insuring that quality products always reach the customer.
Our happy hens have a constant supply of milled whole grain wheat feed, which has been fortified with minerals and vitamins, together with fresh clean water taken from our deep bore well on our farm and always available for our birds. We believe that the quality of our water plays a vital part insuring very healthy and contented hens while producing superior quality free range eggs.